Abesco Fire Z240 Pipe Collars consist of a zinc coated factory formed steel shell, which contains heat reactive intumescent material. When exposed to temperatures of approximately 300oF the graphite based intumescent material begins to expand (intumesce) rapidly to form a solid insulating char plug which effectively closes and seals openings where plastic pipes penetrate thru fire-rated walls and floors.
Abesco Fire Z240 Pipe Collars have been around for more than 25 years and were a part of the device revolution (self contained firestopping components), and that the intumescent material has an expansion rate of approximately 28% of its volume with a crush value of approximately 10 to 15 psi (69 kPa to 103 kPa).
They are supplied in 2 halves, and are held closed around the pipe by a unique and easy to use closure device. Z240 Pipe Collars are available in sizes to suit 2″, 3″, 4″ and 6″ plastic pipes.
- Easy installation, saves labor cost
- Intumescent material unaffected by moisture
- No cutting of wrap strips
- UL Classified, complies with Building Codes
Abesco Fire Z240 Pipe Collars are designed to close off plastic pipe penetrations in a hurry. Most plastic pipes start to soften then melt away at fairly low temperatures in a fire scenario, approximately 200° to 250° F (93° to 120° C). Once the pipes catch on fire (approximately 350° F [180° C]) they are essentially gone and expose holes for fire egress through walls and floors. The collars are designed to put the Intumescent material (encapsulated in the steel body) out into the heat source, enabling the Intumescent material to expand sooner than if it were installed into the wall or floor assembly. As the pipe goes away the Intumescent material expands and closes the hole left by the now gone plastic pipe with an effective insulating barrier, thereby maintaining the integrity of the wall or floor and preventing the spread of fire from one compartment to another. This insulating barrier not only provides an effective thermal fire barrier, but also creates a barrier to pressure associated with fires.
Abesco Fire Z240 Pipe Collars consist of a zinc coated (stainless or red powder coated are available) factory formed steel shell, which contains heat reactive Intumescent material. When exposed to temperatures of approximately 300ºF(149oC) the graphite based Intumescent material begins to expand (intumesce) rapidly to form a solid insulating char plug which effectively closes and seals openings where plastic pipes penetrate thru fire-rated walls and floors.
Abesco Fire Z240 Pipe Collars are used to seal PVC, CPVC and ABS* pipes which penetrate thru 1 and 2 hour fire- rated concrete walls and floors, and are suitable for most common types of construction including concrete floors, concrete walls, concrete block walls and gypsum drywall assemblies. They are suitable for use on schedule 40 plastic pipes in both closed and vented (DWV) conditions.
Code | Description | Color | Unit | Case | Sizes |
Intumescent Pipe Collar | Gray / Galvanized | 24 | Per Case | 2″, 3″, 4″, 6″ |
Manufactured to strict product specifications the collars are uniformly produced to assure consistent quality. Because of this, they are easier and quicker to install, than conventional mineral wool and caulk systems, just place around the pipe, anchor and that’s it.
Abesco Fire Z240 Pipe Collars can also be used around cables, steel, copper, conduit pipes where speed and labor savings are needed. They can also be used around hard to get to areas where getting a caulk gun around the pipe is difficult such as floor/ceiling assemblies, header plates, and cable or pipe bundles such as soda lines or data runs.
Physical Properties:
Nominal Pipe Size | 2″ | 3″ | 4″ | 6″ |
O/D | 3″ | 4 1/4″ | 5 1/2″ | 8 1/4″ |
Height | 2 7/16″ | 2 7/16″ | 2 7/16″ | 2 7/16″ |
All installations shall be in strict accordance with manufacturers printed instructions. The Firestop device shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E814 (UL1479) and classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc as a Through-Penetration Firestop Device for up to 2 Hour rating.
All through penetrations shall be sealed with a UL Classified system or device as listed within the current UL Fire Resistance Directory, or have approved shop drawings prior to installation.
Suitablility for a particular application should be determined prior to installation.